Application Fee: Shambhala Guide Training
Shastri Calryn Aston and Jon Barbieri
May 3–7, 2017
- $15.00 – Application Fee
Shambhala Guide Training is a thorough training for students, with a strong meditation practice, who feel ready to begin to help others on their meditative journeys. The training prepares participants to skillfully host newcomers in our centers by understanding our lineage, cultural forms, practice paths, and by being a resource and friend. Guides are also trained in the view and technique of initial meditation instruction and those who are authorized can offer instruction in the context of Shambhala Center educational programs and events. Guides will be trained in principles of engagement and friendship–listening and speaking from the heart– so they can assist each new student individually and appropriately. By completing this training, authorized Guides begin a practice of listening to, encouraging and supporting others on their personal paths.
The Guide Training program consists of four days of training, followed by a one-day program at participants’ local Center. Attendance at the program does not guarantee authorization as a Shambhala Guide. Students who are authorized will be invited to take the Shambhala Guide Vow and, upon completion, will be encouraged to engage as a Shambhala guide at their local center.
We invite all interested and eligible practitioners to join us for this special program. Authorization and service as a Shambhala Guide is required for individuals desiring to pursue subsequent training as a Shambhala Path Meditation Instructor. An application and recommendations are required.
Application Process
The Application Deadline is February 3, 2017.
Those interested in attending Shambhala Guide Training must complete a formal application process. Applicants are required to submit three positive letters of recommendation from three of the following: Your Meditation Instructor, Center Director, Shambhala Training Resident Director, or other senior teacher who knows you or your centre’s practice & study coordinator.
Notification of acceptance will be sent to you by email, including a link that you can use to register. Once accepted, participants will begin preparatory practice and study in advance of the program. Please note that acceptance to train is not a guarantee of authorization as a Shambhala Guide.
Submit your application emailing your application to: by the February 3, 2017 application deadline.
Practice and Study Requirements
Please note that there is significant preparatory work for this program. We suggest that you begin preparing for this training in these ways as soon as you can. We ask that you begin preparing for the weekend in the following ways:
Begin fulfilling the practice requirement of 30 hours per month for 3 months (shamatha).
Study Turning the Mind into an Ally by Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, chapters 1-11
Completion of two online courses, access to these will be made available to you in your acceptance letter.
Eligibility Requirements
- Three recommendations and completed application.
- Completion of The Way of Shambhala through the Everyday Life series and Shambhala Training levels I-V.
- Completion of a Weekthun.
- Unconditional Confidence: Rigden (a.k.a. Rigden Weekend), and the Shambhala Vow
- The Basic Goodness series is strongly recommended, if possible.
- Center Membership (exceptions can be made for people in small groups and remote locations).
- Active volunteer at the Center (exceptions can be made for people in small groups and remote locations).
- Has an on-going relationship to meditation practice.
Follow up Day:
A Follow up day about 6 weeks after the training at SMC will be required in order to complete the Shambhala Guide Training. A follow up day will be offered at the the Boulder Shambhala Meditation Center in June, 2017. More information will be provided soon.
Shastri Calryn Aston
Calryn Aston has been a student of Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche since 1997. She has been teaching at Shambhala Centers across the United States since 2003. She has been active in training Shambhala Guides since 2007 and has served as a Director and Meditation Instructor for many regional and international Shambhala programs and classes. She is the Director of Lunacare llc., providing coaching and support to individuals, artists, and small businesses. She is also a resilience leader in Boulder County, Colorado, working with individuals and groups to cultivate body/mind-based resources to respond to and recover from natural disasters. She hosts a weekly meditation group in her hometown of Jamestown.
Jon Barbieri
Jonathan Barbieri is a senior teacher in the Shambhala Lineage who has taught Buddhist and Shambhala trainings extensively throughout North America for over 30 years. Jon has been engaged in several livelihood pursuits including consulting with cities and counties on workforce development, creating contemplative co-housing communities, and, most recently, teaching Mindfulness programs to public agencies and businesses. He was formerly the Executive Director of Shambhala Mountain Center.