Weathering Life’s Storms: Mindful Hiking

Kay Peterson

August 6–8, 2021

Tuition $195 + 2 nights

A wildfire still shocks us with its sheer power and voracity, whether we’ve watched its approach from afar, or it unexpectedly ignites nearby. The experience can leave us feeling quite vulnerable in nature’s vast web. Such a primal wake-up call also offers an opportunity to tap into our innate resiliency, shift our perspective, and learn skills to adapt to whatever life’s storms may bring.

As citizens of the earth, many events of the past year have illuminated the preciousness of this human life and offered an opportunity to reflect on how we’ve been living it. At this moment we have a choice: to be lulled back into comfortable, familiar patterns, or to meet each new moment with greater mindfulness and awareness.

Join us for a rejuvenating weekend of meditation and mindful movement, including hiking through both pristine forest and areas regenerating from past fire. With nature as our guide, we’ll explore our potential for greater harmony with each other and the natural world while celebrating the life with which we’ve been blessed.

Please review and understand SMC’s current COVID-19 policy before visiting SMC.

Kay Peterson

Kay Peterson, MA, LMFT, is a psychotherapist in private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area who teaches Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). She is also a seasoned wilderness guide who has been facilitating nature-inspired retreats that integrate meditation, self-reflection, and creative group process since 1996. 

Program Details

Registration takes place from 2– 5 pm on your program start date. All participants and volunteer staff must check in at our Guest Registration house. Please arrive before 5 pm to check-in and settle into your accommodations. Your program begins with dinner, followed by an orientation. The Guest Registration house closes at 5 pm after which no one is available to provide information or orient you to your accommodations. All programs usually end at 12:30 pm on the program's departure date, followed by lunch. Further specifics regarding your program's schedule will be available upon arrival. If applicable, you will receive an email from the program coordinator in the week prior to your program with any additional information you may need.