May I Be Happy: A Yoga and Meditation Workshop for Women

Cyndi Lee

August 30–September 2, 2013

Tuition $225 + 3 nights

Cyndi-Lee_yogaposeMany of us have a natural impulse to be helpful to others but are not as good at caring for ourselves.  We tend to put our own honest needs last, leaving us with unhealthy feelings of depletion, isolation and resentment.  Learning to take care of ourselves is not selfish, it is actually spiritual maturity.  When we take responsibility for our own happiness, we begin to create the patterns of compassion and understanding which will allow us to truly offer support for others.

Drawing on Cyndi Lee’s new book, May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind, this workshop will use Maitri – the traditional loving kindness practice – as the framework for asana and meditation sessions.  Each session will focus on one of the slogans:

May I Be Healthy  will offer breath work to soothe the nervous system and slow flow sequences which offer spaciousness to help you connect to your natural goodness.

May I Be Happy  will integrate a fun, rollicking yoga class with contemplations on how to experience unconditional happiness, whether you can do each pose or not!

May I Be Safe  will combine physical alignment principles with an exploration of how our aspiration and actions are aligning.

May I Live with Ease  will be an opportunity for some delicious restorative yoga.

This retreat is for women only and recommended for those who have at least 6 months yoga experience.

Cyndi will give a talk and book signing at the Boulder Bookstore on August 29th at 7:30pm.

Read Cyndi’s recent interview on our blog.

Program Details

Registration takes place from 2– 5 pm on your program start date. All participants and volunteer staff must check in at our Guest Registration house. Please arrive before 5 pm to check-in and settle into your accommodations. Your program begins with dinner, followed by an orientation. The Guest Registration house closes at 5 pm after which no one is available to provide information or orient you to your accommodations. All programs usually end at 12:30 pm on the program's departure date, followed by lunch. Further specifics regarding your program's schedule will be available upon arrival. If applicable, you will receive an email from the program coordinator in the week prior to your program with any additional information you may need.