Karuna Training: A Certification in Contemplative Psychology — Enrolling now!
Melissa Moore, Sandra Ladley and Terry Jaworski
October 29–November 1, 2021
Apply first to Karuna (link below) before registering SMC lodging
The Karuna Training Basic Cycle is a comprehensive training that occurs in ten courses over two years; six online weekends, four extended retreats at Shambhala Mountain Center, and ongoing groups in between programs. 332 hours of Curriculum training. CEU’s available.
The first retreat begins October 29–November 1, 2021, 3 nights in person at Shambhala Mountain Center. The Karuna Training, North America organization offers this program. SMC is delighted to host the in-person portion of the training program.
For more information, and to apply for the training, please visit KarunaTraining.com. After you have been accepted to the training program, you will book your lodging with SMC.
The program joins deep study of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist principles with contemplative methods, skill development, and ongoing group interaction and community support. The program is applicable to all faiths and spiritual backgrounds, and we include everyone, all gender identities, and access needs are accommodated.
Karuna Training is well suited for medical professionals, therapists, teachers, coaches, artists, business managers, and parents. Karuna is a community of people who trust the wisdom of the world to awaken our compassionate hearts.
Karuna Training is a journey of discovering one’s own brilliant sanity, and of learning how to exchange ourselves with others so that we can transmute everyday life challenges into opportunities of openness and wisdom.
Discover the Power of Your Heart
Yes, I’m ready for a life-changing experience. What’s next?
- For more information, visit KarunaTraining.com
To apply for the training, go to the application page
Once you have been accepted, reserve your SMC lodging at the link below. - llll