Gaia: Engaging the Rhythms of Our Living Earth
Martin Ogle
March 21–23, 2014
A Four Seasons Program
It’s no secret that modern life is often too fast, structured and purpose-driven for human wellbeing. Take part in a weekend retreat to not only slow down, but to find experiential, emotional and intellectual connections to the stately, purposeless rhythms of our living planet. At the base of this re-engagement is the “Gaia Paradigm” – the confluence of the most recent scientific understandings of Earth with ancient understandings of Nature and human nature. Gaia Theory describes Earth as a single living system of which human beings are a seamless continuum. It was so named by William Golding, author of Lord of the Flies, to honor the fact that science is rediscovering what our ancestors knew mythologically. Gaia is the Greek Goddess of Earth. This retreat will explore all of these ideas with two talks complemented with nature walks, “solo-spots,” games, storytelling, poetry, art and more!
To read more from Martin about the Gaia Paradigm on our blog, click here.
And, be sure to listen our recent interview with Martin Ogle, available to stream and download here.
For more information on the Four Seasons Program, click here.