Describe a Morning You Woke Without Fear: A Writing Retreat
Bhanu Kapil
November 8–10, 2013
This retreat invites you to write more deeply into your questions than ever before. We will work with an elemental set of 12 questions as our starting point and axis. The questions, taken from Bhanu Kapil’s book, The Vertical Interrogation of Strangers, are:
1. Who are you and whom do you love?
2. Where did you come from / how did you arrive?
3. How will you begin?
4. How will you live now?
5. What is the shape of your body?
6. Who was responsible for the suffering of your mother?
7. What do you remember about the earth?
8. What are the consequences of silence?
9. Tell me what you know about dismemberment.
10. Describe a morning you woke without fear.
11. How will you / have you prepare(d) for your death?
12. And what would you say if you could?
Through notebook practice and somatic experiments, the writing that comes from and through the body, this retreat is intended as a generative, nurturing and wild space to generate new work and share it with others.