Courageous Women: Fearless Living Gathering for Women Touched by Cancer – Ft. Collins

Judy Lief and Adana Barbieri

May 18, 2013

Suggested donation – $15.00


Acharya Judith Lief

Acharya Judith Lief

Adana Barbieri

Adana Barbieri

This workshop is an introduction to the Courageous Women, Fearless Living Annual Retreat, a 5-day retreat for women touched by cancer that is attended by women currently in treatment or no longer in treatment, their caregivers and loved ones.

Workshops will also be presented in Denver and Boulder. The workshops will introduce three powerful healing forces that have helped hundreds of women on the cancer journey:

Grounding through working with the contemplative arts of mindfulness and yoga.

Empowering because we learn knowledge and practical information about health and healing from the integrative medical perspective.

Nourishing because of the strong sense of community and shared experience.

Join us to meet the faculty and previous retreat participants, and experience some aspects of the retreat.

All workshops are from 9-12 on Saturdays.

The suggested donation amount is between zero and $15.00. You can enter a larger donation to cover the costs of those who cannot afford to pay, or you can leave it empty.




Program Details

Date and Time Details: 9am-12pm

Location: Fort Collins Shambhala Center

Fort Collins Shambhala Center, 126A Mountain Ave (behind Enzio's Restaurant, Go down ally, turn left and look for our sign and the iron gate)