Program Proposal Form

Thank you for your interest in bringing your program to Shambhala Mountain Center.

We are interested in partnering with presenters who have a strong educational background in the subject being taught, and who’s purpose is in alignment with Shambhala Mountain Center’s mission to explore personal and societal transformation. We are looking for presenters who are able to market themselves successfully through a variety of methods (such as websites, mailing lists, and social media) and have followers within the United States and preferably in Colorado. During our review process, we pay particular attention to the strength of the program’s foundation, the presenter’s relevant background information, and the presenter’s capacity to promote their work successfully.

We receive more program requests than we have space for in our calendar of programs. You will receive an e-mail confirming the receipt of your proposal. We will contact you if we are interested in discussing your program further. If we decide not to run your program, we will contact you with that decision.

Please fill out the following Proposal Form and as much as you are able, knowing that it will help us greatly to better understand your work experience and program offerings.

  • Presenter Information

  • Program Information

  • Please choose as many categories as apply to your program.
  • Please give a numbers range that indicates the number of participants you expect to attend your program
  • Please describe the basis for your attendance projection. If you have you hosted this program before, please tell us where, when and how it did.
  • What are the minimum and maximum number of participants you are willing to run your program with? Please note that SMC does not run programs with less than 10 registrants, and only sets a maximum number based on space constraints.
  • Include your program's mission, goals and objectives, and describe how your program accomplishes those goals. What do participants gain from the program, and how?
  • Please describe the experiential components of your program. What will participants be doing?
  • Give us a general idea of what participants will be doing in a day.
  • It is Shambhala Mountain Center's mission to facilitate the exploration of individual and societal wisdom. How does your program further that mission?
  • Continuing Education Credits/Units

    It is up to the presenter to ensure CEC/CEU qualification, and award credits to appropriate participants
  • History with Shambhala Mountain Center

  • Requirements for Program Production

  • *Please reference the STANDARD PROGRAM SCHEDULE at the bottom of this page
  • Please let us know which of these standard materials you predict needing for your program.
  • One of the ways we practice mindfulness and celebrate community at SMC is through rotating work assignments, or ROTA. No matter our responsibility or positions, we all take turns cleaning up after each other and ourselves through ROTA. ROTA is the ground and basis of contemplative community life at SMC, which you can elect to be a part of your program. ROTA shifts will not interfere with your program sessions.
  • Shambhala Mountain Center offers Vegetarian and Gluten-Free options at each meal. Please describe any diet requirements your program would need.
  • Shambhala Mountain Center is home to the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya. We are happy to offer a Stupa tour to your participants as a part of your program Tours are offered at 1:30pm and will incur an additional cost of $10/participant.
  • Are there any other things you can think of that we would need to know about?
  • Marketing

    Presenters are responsible as partners in promotion to ensure the success of their program. Although Shambhala Mountain Center will promote your program through our catalog, website and mailings, presenters must demonstrate their capacity to market their own program. Put a check next to the methods of marketing you currently employ, and let us know the number of each you will commit to. Please also provide any additional methods of advertising you plan to use to promote your program:
  • Please describe as specifically as possible the number of people you are able to reach and the frequency at which you can reach them for each of the marketing methods you checked.
  • In addition to the methods listed above, what networks are you affiliated with that you can advertise through? Do you have connections with northeastern networks? Please be specific and describe your affiliations in detail.
  • Thank You!

    We'll be in touch soon regarding your inquiry.

* Standard Program Schedule

Arrival Day
2-5pm:                          Participants arrive
6:30-7:30pm:              Dinner (6-7pm during winter season)
7:30pm:                        Meet in program space for SMC Orientation, and optional program session
Program Day
7:30-8:30am:               Breakfast
9:00am-12:30pm:       Program Session
12:30-1:30                     Lunch
2:00 – 4:00:                  Program Session
4:00-4:30:                     Break
4:30-6:30pm:               Program Session
6:30-7:30pm:               Dinner (6-7pm during winter season)
7:30pm:                         Optional evening session
Departure Day
7:30-8:30am:              Breakfast
9 -12pm:                       Program Session
12:30-1:30pm:            Lunch and Departure