Summer Escapes: Meditate, or just chill, at serene Shambhala Mountain Center

Summer Escapes: Meditate, or just chill, at serene Shambhala Mountain Center
Denver Post • Kyle Wagner • May 10, 2013 04:27:38 AM

Take it easy: This is one place where doing absolutely nothing is just fine. Shambhala offers a way to create your own getaway, where you can book a stay and just enjoy the grounds, hiking the eight miles of trails or wandering around the botanic gardens and meadows. Ease into a meditation instruction, or jump right into a multiday series of workshops. Whatever you choose, it can all be done under the watchful eyes of the Great Stupa, built to honor Shambhala founder Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.

Take it up a notch: If you’re looking for something more intensive, Shambhala has a full summer roster: writing seminars, body-awareness practices, mindful-living teachings, yoga, qigong, and other opportunities for personal transformation. Don’t think this has to be all educational, though — you can pamper yourself with a massage on-site, as well.

Where to eat: Three healthy, freshly cooked meals a day are included in every stay at Shambhala, with vegetarian and meat options — curries and stir-fries served with fresh fruits and salads.

Read more: Summer Escapes: Meditate, or just chill, at serene Shambhala Mountain Center – The Denver Post