To serve as a catalyst in the creation of an enlightened society—one grounded in wisdom and kindness towards individuals, community and the natural environment.
Bringing people together to experience wisdom.
1. Recognizing that all beings are fundamentally good and worthy, we work with our minds through the practice of meditation, the anchor of our resilient sanity.
2. We celebrate living in the challenge: balancing personal, professional, and community life as our path.
3. The diversity of people and ideas is integral to the vibrancy of our Shambhala community.
4. We appreciate artistic exploration—a joyful means for connecting with one another and the brilliance of mind.
5. We invite the energies of cheerfulness and relaxation by acting with consideration and decency.
6. We cultivate trust through open and clear communication and the integrity of our words and actions.
7. Remembering that we are incredibly fortunate to live here, we respect, appreciate and protect the land and beings that host us here.
8. We are committed to environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability.
9. Since we and all things are utterly interdependent, cooperation and teamwork are the best method for achieving our goals.
10. We delight in offering extraordinary service, treating ourselves, each other and our guests with kindness and respect.