Nestled high in the Colorado Rockies, Shambhala Mountain Center is a six-hundred-acre mountain valley retreat surrounded by native forests, gentle meadows and rocky peaks. Tamed by decades of use as a contemplative refuge, we provide a safe and supportive container for exploring paths of deepened awareness, personal wellbeing and societal transformation.
For more than 40 years, extraordinary people have gathered here to experience Shambhala teachings and partake in over 100 year-round offerings featuring indigenous wisdom traditions, body awareness practices, contemplative arts, mindful living or other paths of personal transformation. Our weekend and weeklong programs are taught by a remarkable array of accomplished practitioners and teachers. Our accommodations are comfortable and varied. Selections range from rustic cabins, shared quarters, and seasonal platform tents on wooded hillsides, to fine lodge rooms with modern conveniences.
We are home to the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya, one of the most significant examples of sacred architecture in the world. Throughout history, stupas have promoted harmony, health, prosperity, peace and freedom, bestowing blessings upon the surrounding environment, and upon those who visit and venerate them.
Established in 1971 by Tibetan meditation master and teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Shambhala Mountain Center welcomes all people with inspiration, interest and curiosity about the nature of self and society. We offer an oasis for relaxing into our basic goodness, rediscovering a sense of balance and appreciating the sacredness of our world.
Join us to engage in the vision of enlightened society and share in creating a culture of kindness, generosity and courage. Shambhala Mountain Center is an educational non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as a contemplative center for the exploration of individual and societal wisdom.