Opening the Good Eye: An Introduction to Miksang
Julie DuBose and Michael Wood
October 10–14, 2013
We’re sorry but this program has been cancelled. It will be offered again in the Spring, dates TBA. Please look for our spring listings soon.
Opening the Good Eye is an introduction to the practice of Miksang Contemplative Photography as developed by Michael Wood and Julie DuBose. If you would like to be able to express your full and complete experience of seeing through your camera, this course is for you. Through visual exercises, assignments, discussion, and sharing of images, we learn how to recognize our experience of direct visual perception. Direct in this case means without the filters of our habitual ways of seeing and experiencing our world. This is not purely a photography course. It is about developing the ability to see our world in a fresh way so that we have an experience that we are passionate about expressing with our camera. This is the beginning of a journey through our world with our eyes, mind, and heart united in the experience of communion with our visual world and the expression of that through our camera.
NOTE: Before registering please click here to review important program information