Reawakening Amazing Inner Places

by Erica Kaufman

This year I traveled quite extensively in India. So much teaching…and of course I learn from each student. Regardless of their spoken language, I learn from their ways and this helps me to teach accordingly.

Erica teaching yoga in Bangalore


I teach the eight limbs of yoga, they are portals into the intuitive home. Life is a journey and the eight limbs of yoga are a beautiful guide into intuitive clarity.

Erica sitting with woman

That journey is of central interest in my life, and in teaching Lila Yoga.

I am here, solo and not. I am sometimes alone but I am not lonely. As I relax into new-ancient rhythms, I experience the home of GENEROSITY.

I will explain:

Generosity flows naturally, when we understand the inter-connectivity of it all.

Tat Tvam Asi. We are That…That which Is…
No need to horde…impossible to hold onto anything…what could we hold onto?

When we live sensitive to this,

it breaks down defensiveness and possessiveness and Generosity opens.

Generosity of Spirit, Love, Patience, Time…

We have within us/around us/between us, an endless source of these qualities.

No need to ration. Fear of loss from Giving looses potency

when we realize the true nature of Generosity.

Home unfolds wherever you are.

I am here. I am there. I am home.



Erica and GuruKnow a home so deep that land does not matter, a familiarity so clear that wherever you go you feel the strength of curiosity, respect, and joy. As you meet new friends, join new families, and feel the give and take of interconnectivity, know that you have blessings within you of excited ease.


I invite you to join me for the Lila Yoga Retreat: Accessing the Brilliance Within.

Our weekend will explore the boundless joy of gratitude, the ability to feel thankful to BE.

Please join me for a Lila Yoga Retreat June 28-30.

Love Blessings Faith


~ Erica ~

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