Rabbi Tirzah Firestone: Kabbalah Journey for Women

Rabbi Tirzah FirestoneRabbi Tirzah Firestone is an author, psychotherapist, and founding rabbi of Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder, Colorado. She is widely known for her groundbreaking work on Kabbalah and the re-integration of the feminine wisdom tradition within Judaism. She will be joining us at SMC this May 3–5, 2013 to lead: Kabbalah Journey for Women: Communing with the Radical Feminine Presence. We recently asked Rabbi Tirzah some questions about Kabbalah and her upcoming program:

SMC: How does your work with Kabbalah intersect with your work on depth psychology?
RTF: Kabbalah is a wisdom system that is universal. It works with archetypal energies running through the macro (cosmos, world) and the micro (each of our us) and helps us understand how to align our body-mind-spirits with these energies that live within and beyond ourselves.

SMC: What most excites you about this program?
RTF: Women in nature together seeking divine guidance, depth, community, and friendship…What could be better?  Together we create a field to receive…and receiving is the translation of the term Kabbalah…the sacred. We need one another to do this, and the medium of nature is the magic.

SMC: How does the text of the Kabbalah apply to our contemporary lives?
RTF: Kabbalah is an entire corpus of work, including many texts from hundreds of years. We will work with some of the juiciest ones, that were originally written by and for men, but which are filled with astonishing teachings and apply amazingly well to women’s journeys.

SMC: Who could benefit from attending this workshop/who is it for?
RTF: Any woman 18 or older who feels a need to expand her bandwidth to new frequencies will benefit from this weekend.

Click here for more information on: Kabbalah Journey for Women: Communing with the Radical Feminine Presence.

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