Oscar Miro-Quesada

Oscar Miro-Quesada, originator of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition of cross-cultural shamanism, is the visionary founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation, as well as an invited United Nations Observer for the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. He is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq from Peru and a Fellow in Ethnopsychology with the Organization of American States. Oscar has been guiding cross-cultural ethnospiritual apprenticeship expeditions to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. In addition to his international Pachakuti Mesa apprenticeship programs, he has been a popular teacher at numerous U.S. educational centers. His work has been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E and the Discovery Channel. For more information, visit www.mesaworks.com.