Suzi Tucker

Having worked closely with luminaries in the field of psychology as an editor and publisher for over 30 years, Suzi Tucker received what she dubs an accidental education under the tutelage of a series of brilliant mentors. In 1998, a manuscript came across her desk that captured her imagination, and before long, she was deeply involved in helping to bring the work to the United States as an organizer, a teacher and a writer. Suzi collaborated with Bert Hellinger, the curator of Family Constellation, for more than 15 years. She maintains a very active private practice and presentation schedule and has served as guest faculty at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and the New York Open Center. Suzi is author of Gather Enough Fireflies (2014) and Memory of Memory and Family Constellations and Ways of Teaching (both in process).