The Five Keys to Mindful Communication
Acharya Susan Chapman and Greg Heffron
March 8–10, 2013
Mindful communication moves us from a me-first to a we-first model of relationship, building an enlightened society one conversation at a time. This retreat introduces the Green Light communication model to explore patterns of conversation: the open, Green Light of awake body, tender heart and open mind; the closed Red Light of heartless-mind and mindless-heart; the in-between, Yellow Light in which we compassionately welcome vulnerable feelings. We evoke the power of deep listening and gentle speech as ways of touching in with the goodness of others and the clarity of our truth. The format includes sitting meditation, brief talks, Mudra Space Awareness practice and dialogue exercises.
Click here to listen to a recent interview with Greg Heffron about this program and how to stay open and awake to reality in all its richness.
Financial aid is available for this program.