Floral Notes and Bardo: The Creative Chronicles of a Shambhala Mountain Resident is a regular feature on the SMC blog in which a member of our staff/community shares his experience of existing as part of Shambhala Mountain Center.
Recently, Heather and I have been helping to water the seedlings for the community garden. What seedlings am I watering right now — in the cosmic garden?
Compassion feels sore and self-righteousness is a rush. I want to strengthen my tendency and love for the former, and decrease my lustful craving for the latter. Buddhism.
Yesterday I kicked off my new schedule and was able to practice — meditation, writing — and study — buddhadharma, poetics — and do good work in the marketing office, community service, have some lesiure time and get a good night of sleep. The leisure time was only partly leisurely.
What I really don’t want to write about — and so chose to describe my routine — is the way that I’m feeling about a cultural attitude that I think ought to be examined.
I’ll not be specific here because it seems charged, sensitive, and some actual discussion with human beings in the community may need to come before published contemplation. Skillful? Timid?
Shantideva: Be like a log.
In other news, Sasha and I in the shower this morning, and a small mouse in the tub.
This morning — after bragging a bit yesterday about how I told the ticks to leave me alone and they obeyed — a tick jumped onto my leg. I put it in a Kahlua bottle with a bit of booze in the bottom — left it to die.
I was discussing parasites with a friend recently. In his view, karmically, ticks and mosquitos cannot get much lower, and so it seems fine to “send them on their way” — my friend said that Trungpa Rinpoche said this about mosquitoes.
I decided to kill his tick to send a message. To let them know that I’m not messing around here. After I put it in the bottle, I went outside and, while urinating in the grass, told them again, very sternly, with a few cuss words thrown in, that they must leave Heather and I alone! I explained that I really don’t want to kill them. And I attempted to explain that their behavior brings great misery to us.
I don’t think they understand that. They’re too caught up in their blood-thirsty ways. They are addicts. Insane.
Reading Pema/Shantideva this morning. The teachings describe how we fall under the spell of kleshas — anger, lust, and so on. The ticks are extremely taken. Myself and my homies may become tick-ish, but we snap out of it and return to humanness. We’re fortunate to have that capacity. Precious human birth.
Strengthening the non-virtuous habits though, leads to greater and greater tickishness — and maybe the Kahlua botlle.
And so in considering my feelings about certain policies and attitudes that are in effect here at SMC, I need to be careful — like I’m walking along the edge of a cliff, as Pema/Shantideva says. I need to be deeply considerate. In my actions, and even thoughts, am I chasing the buzz of self-righteousness, or is it compassionate action?
It happens a million times each minute — probably a lot more. Choosing.
— April 15, 2015
Travis Newbill is a writer, musician, and aspirant on the path of meditation. He currently resides at Shambhala Mountain Center, where he serves in the roles of Marketing Associate and Shambhala Guide — a preliminary teaching position. Follow Travis on twitter: @travisnewbill