Floral Notes and Bardo: Here and There

By Travis Newbill

Floral Notes and Bardo: The Creative Chronicles of a Shambhala Mountain Resident is a daily feature on the SMC blog in which a member of our staff/community shares his experience of existing as part of Shambhala Mountain Center.

I was away for a week, and it’s a whole new world now.  I even have a new name (a good one!):

Good Highland Prankster

(pictured below with Good Equanimity Sword)

10390491_10202771105491221_3320319594040146212_nPhoto by Laurie Amodeo

No one is the same, the land is not the same.  It’s summer time.  So green.  Green: Karma energy — All accomplishing.  In the winter I felt cozy, and now when I try to be cozy I feel restless.  Time to move.  Time to shake it.  Time to sing!

My dear friends Laurie and Todd came here to visit. I say: I would not be here if it weren’t for Todd.  He’s had a lot to do with turning me onto the dharma, Shambhala, etc.  This blog that I write is really just a public version of letters that I’ve been sending to Todd for years now.  And he’s reading this one right now.  Hey dude!

After all these years, and our journey together, it was quite special to host Laurie and Todd here at Shambhala Mountain Center, to show them around, introduce them to the Stupa.  They enjoyed practicing with the community, we had a nice hike around, visited the Kami Shrine, and we hung out and sang around a campfire at my little house in the evening.

A few days later, I flew to New York City, and so did they.  They live there and I’ve been going there to visit them for years.  Usually I visit them.  Now, I live in a place cool enough for them to visit me too!  I always want to live in a place that is visit-worthy, from now on.  Okay…

NYC was amazing as always, and it’s summer time there too.  The parks are lively, music is playing.  Tons of activity everywhere and weather so nice I couldn’t even drag myself inside to check out a museum, not even for an hour.  Living on the mountain, as I do, it is very nourishing to be in the city — especially that one… the city.

Todd and I did Rigden Weekend at the NYC Shambhala Center.  I’ve done most of my Shambhala Training there, and soon the sangha will be moving on from that particular space.  So much has happened there for so many people, including me.

Rigden Weekend is somewhat of a graduation from the first cycle of Shambhala Training, so it was very meaningful to do it there, with Todd.  I saw and hugged teachers who have been so crucial to me on my path: Ethan, Susan, Rachel.  And Acharya Spiegel, who I’ve recently been forming a relationship with, lead the weekend.  It was so powerful.  At the end we took the Shambhala Vow and were given our names.

At the reception afterwards, I offered a toast to the New York City sangha.  They have always been so warm, friendly, welcoming.  They have always accommodated me, done whatever necessary to help me receive my training, progress on the path.  I’m so grateful.  I told them in my toast, that I now live in the most mystical, spiritually charged place that I’ve ever been, and that the dharma is just as alive, just as strong, right there in New York City.

Now I’m back here, and it’s a different world.  This opportunity is rich.  I’m re-engaging, fresh.  So much.  And the theme is: time to be active, time to sing, the sun is shining.


–June 5, 2014


PortraitTravis Newbill is a curious dude on the path of artistry, meditation, and social engagement who is very glad to be residing at Shambhala Mountain Center.  His roles within the organization include Marketing Associate and Head Dekyong–a position of leadership within the community. 

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