By Travis Newbill
In order to clarify the confusion of all sentient beings attempting to make rice, we present another installment of Avajra John‘s pithy kitchen wisdom.
There are quite a few different approaches to making rice. Each of the different approaches works well. This can be confusing. There are some 40,000 varieties of rice from around the world. Short-grain and long-grain brown rice, basmati rice, jasmine rice, Arborio, and Koshihikari from Japan are some commonly available varieties. In each of these different rice cultures around the world, there are recipes for making perfect rice that is considered a high art within that culture. So let’s simplify this and start at square one:
- Cook the rice on the stove top or in the oven.
- Use a pot or pan with a good, tight-fitting cover.
- Use the proportion of one cup of rice to one and a half cups of water.
- Use cold water.
- Put the rice and the water together in the pot or pan and cover tightly.
- Bring the rice and water to a boil.
- Then turn down the heat to medium low.
- The white rice varieties will take 25 to 35 minutes to cook. The brown rice varieties will take longer usually 45 or 50 minutes.
- Try to keep the cover on the rice for the whole cooking duration (check it if you must, but keep this to a minimum).
- After cooking, let the rice rest with the cover on.
- Fluff the rice with a fork and serve.
right on, cool runnings
thanks for the hints
Hi, I noticed you didn’t mention rinsing the rice. My husband and I have an ongoing disagreement about rinsing rice. I don’t rinse it, and feel the full dimension of the flavor comes through, because I don’t rinse. My husband insists that rinsing the rice makes it less starchy. For me, the end result is bland.
What are your thoughts on rinsing rice?
I also noticed the lack of rinsing, I watch cooking shows and the Asian shows always speak at great length about rinsing at least 6 times until the water runs clear and stirring clockwise and feeling each grain with your fingers. A mindfulness way to cook rice.
Healing rice, used successfully for those with
or eating disorders, those suffering from cancers,
achalasia, chronic pain.
Wash 3 times, organic short grain white rice.
Put in rice cooker [not aluminum], or pot on stove,
cover with organic coconut ‘cream’ to depth of just
above 1st knuckle of middle finger. [yes, it works].
Or, 1 cup rice to 4/5 can coconut cream.
Add 1 tsp. mineral salt [not kosher, regular, or sea salt]
‘hardens’ the flavor,
Add 1 tbsp. grapeseed oil [not olive or canola]
least saturated, easiest to digest.
If cooking on top of stove, turn to lowest heat after
bringing to the boil, watch carefully. May seem too
wet, but will absorb. Cook over double boiler if desired.
Extremely nourishing, can be eaten 3 x per day if required.
*Reason for washing, to remove talc or other substances
added to prevent moisture in the rice, even organics.
Open bin organics have less likelihood of bugs.
[if you look at bags of packaged organics, you will often
find ‘sediment’ at the bottom.]
*These are my views/experiences as experienced in daily
livelihood of providing of meals to persons with sickness.