Thoughts are not the Enemy: An Introduction to Recollective Awareness Meditation
Jason Siff
August 29–September 1, 2014
Learn a new and refreshing approach to meditation that calms the mind by allowing thoughts rather than stopping them. Recollective Awareness Meditation is a unique and easy to learn form of practice that brings you in touch with your emotions. By surrendering control over where your attention goes in meditation, you will learn how to tolerate and understand difficult emotions and meet each experience in a softer, kinder manner. Thoughts and emotions begin to settle down naturally as awareness of the body and the breath move into the foreground, opening up to greater tranquility and heightened clarity.
During this renewing retreat, meditation sessions will last 20 to 40 minutes and can be done sitting comfortably or lying down. There will also be optional journal practice for writing down meditation experiences and hour-long interviews in small groups.
Watch our recent interview with Jason here.