Prajna Yoga: Full Spectrum Practice
Theresa Murphy and Troy Rapp
October 25–27, 2013
This retreat offers an opportunity to draw from the vast spectrum of techniques created by yogis over millennia, and develop an individualized, intuitive approach to yoga practice. These practices lead to health, balance and ease in body and mind, laying the foundation for the development of wisdom and compassion. We will explore several approaches to the practice of asana (yoga postures), including exploration of individual postures, therapeutic applications, rigorous vinyasa, yin yoga, restorative poses, and subtle unwinding through somatic sensory awareness techniques. Theresa will introduce ways to integrate intuition with formal asana technique and nurture energetic balance through pranayama, bandha, and Sanskrit chanting. Troy will offer instruction in Buddhist meditation for cultivating wholesome states of mind, tranquility and insight. No previous meditation experience is necessary; a minimum of one year of regular asana practice is recommended.
Much of this retreat will be held in silence. Talks and Q & A periods will be offered daily.