Charley Cropley, N.D.
October 4–6, 2013
Tuition $180 + 2 nights
The cause of our health problems is not cancer or colitis, weak adrenals or a lowered immune system. The cause of our health problems is the innocent, ignorant misuse of our own body and mind. In this retreat you will learn to wisely use your power to eat, move, think and relate. For two days you will practice deliberately imbuing these most ordinary daily activities with intelligence and caring. You will see unmistakably the Healing power you have and how to wield it to revitalize your body and mind.
Click here to read Charley Cropley’s recent blog post: Wise Living Heals You
Charley Cropley will also be leading a Juice Fast in Boulder starting Tuesday, September 10th. Click here for more information.